Kollamaa Holiday House community and entrepreneur tours


Address: Suurküla 21, Häädemeeste, Häädemeeste municipality, 86001 Pärnu county, Estonia

Phone: +372 5656 1373

Email: info@kollamaa.ee

Web: www.kollamaa.ee/18-guided-tours-community-and-entrepreneur-tours.html

There are several nature reserves close to Häädemeeste, but also in 100 km distance. Wooden trails, information boards and good parking facilities make visiting them comfortable.

Kollamaa Holiday House can guide tours on local trails and compose guided tours with different duration and themes in the region and all over Estonia.

The owner, Marika Kose, is a nature guide and lecturer in Nature Tourism in Estonian University of Life Sciences and working as a consultant on rural tourism development and nature tourism. This expertise can be well used in tours according to your personal needs and requests.

Sometimes people want to get out of their daily environment and see what and how their peers are doing. In Häädemeeste area there are many societies (NGOs), women societies, village societies, cultural societies and others who are always willing to receive guests and speak about their experiences. Also, our entrepreneurs do not mind visitors and you can find colleagues in tourism, agriculture, wood processing, building and other activities. Tailored tours can be arranged.


NGO Kabli Festival is an organization which unites local tourism entrepreneurs and organizes different events to promote the region. Established in 2011, its members have been organisers in local fairs, concerts, special programs and cultural events. The important part of activities is encouraging and helping younger active people learn about event organization and management.

A visit to local tourism entrepreneurs shows cooperation on a local level (not competition!), an understanding of very diverse opportunities of accommodation, catering and marketing strategies in rural areas, and also the opportunity to have a good meal, refreshing conversations and certainly a good laugh.

* Pikla Bird House (Aivar Merila) in Luitemaa Nature Reserve. Accommodation on the shoreline, specially designed for birdwatchers, bird watching hides (provided by Naturum LTD), management of coastal meadows with Estonian native horses and beef cattle. (Possible to order a coffee break or a stronger meal.)
* Nurka Farm (Katrin Virkus-Sule) in Luitemaa Nature Reserve. An exclusive old farmhouse of a wealthy farmer, restored in its original glory, with some modern details. A place for seminars, weddings or just a luxurious rural stay. (Possible to order acoffee break or a stronger meal.)
Optional – passing Tolkuse bog nature trail, a 1.5 or 2 hour hike with picnic with local gourmet (offered by Häädemeeste Martad, women society).
* Tuisuliiva Guesthouse & camp; Vega Guesthouse in Kabli Village.
Activities in Tuisuliiva and Vega – place for different camps (children, music, fasting etc), corporative and private events, Kabli Coastal Dwarf Land in winter, public cultural events and concerts, thematic dinners. Local crafts and food are available in Vega.
Walk on the Kabli beach, (in late August to late October Kabli bird ringing station is working). 1 km from there is RMK Kabli Nature Centre and Kabli Nature trail, a nice walk will do good.
* Kabli Nature Centre, owned by State Forest Management Centre (RMK) is a place for nature education and different public events related to nature, culture and arts. There is a detailed exhibition of local nature and different interactive possibilities for all ages. The 1 km trail, boardwalk combined with gravel, lined with comfortable benches and information boards about nature, passes different coastal habitats from dunes and wet forests to coastal pine forest.

There are also other entrepreneurs and places which can be visited: Rannakodu Holiday Centre in Kabli, Kosmonautika Holiday Centre in Jaagupi, Lepanina Hotel in Majaka village and Kollamaa Holiday House and Häädemeeste Museum in Häädemeeste village. They are all contributing to the local culture and tourism development.