Kollamaa Holiday House study tours and workshops


Address: Suurküla 21, Häädemeeste, Häädemeeste municipality, 86001 Pärnu county, Estonia

Phone: +372 5656 1373

Email: info@kollamaa.ee

Web: www.kollamaa.ee/17-guided-tours-study-tours-and-workshops.html

There are several nature reserves close to Häädemeeste, but also in 100 km distance. Wooden trails, information boards and good parking facilities make visiting them comfortable.

Kollamaa Holiday House can guide tours on local trails and compose guided tours with different duration and themes in the region and all over Estonia.

The owner, Marika Kose, is a nature guide and lecturer in Nature Tourism in Estonian University of Life Sciences and working as a consultant on rural tourism development and nature tourism. This expertise can be well used in tours according to your personal needs and requests.

With long teaching history and experience (since 1998), different study tours and workshops have been elaborated and are available for school groups, children camps and also adults. They include botany and learning plants, mires and peat, including peat coring and microscoping (indoors), coastal meadows and their wildlife, foodchains, dung and its importance in ecological processes and many others. Some handicraft activities can be added in cooperation with local women society.

Example: Tour in Häädemeeste Municipality – wilderness experience

Häädemeeste Municipality is very rich in nature and protected areas. Many of them have been made accessible to a wider public by trails and parking areas. Some of them have campsites and fireplaces for public use. A guided day in the region will bring a lot of insight to the wild side of the places. The interpretation, stories about local nature and culture will help to understand the nature’s way.

* Meeting at Tolkuse bog in Luitemaa Nature Reserve (it is also a Natura 2000 area, Ramsar area and IBA area). Tour in the bog and a visit to nearby ancient holy site – Tõotusemägi.

* Picnic in Rannametsa or lunch in Häädemeeste.

* Coastal meadow walk. Häädemeeste coastal meadow is part of Luitemaa NR and is one of the largest in the country and in Europe, expanding on a 7-kilometer stretch from Häädemeeste river to Rannametsa river and covering 300 hectares of valuable landscape. We will explore the grazing animals and management history of the area as well as plants and birds benefiting from the habitat.

* Kabli Nature Centre and trail (15 min drive, 2 km circle). 1 km from there are the RMK Kabli Nature Centre and Kabli Nature trail, a nice walk will do good. 15.30 Kabli Nature Centre, owned by State Forest Management Centre (RMK), is a place for nature education and different public events related to nature, culture and arts. There is a detailed exhibition of local nature and different interactive possibilities for all ages. The trail, a boardwalk combined with gravel, lined with comfortable benches and information boards about nature, passes different coastal habitats from dunes and wet forests to coastal pine forests. (From late August to late October Kabli bird ringing station is working and visits are welcome).

Optional, or some components can be replaced by Nigula Bog Trail (30 min drive, 7 km (2.5 h) walk) and/or Laiksaare Nature trail )15 min drive, 1,5 km (1.5 h) walk).